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To run a BFB:

  1. From the Incident list, select the incident for which you want to run a BFB.
  2. Click View Analyses. The Analysis List appears for the selected incident.
  3. Under New Analysis, select Basic, then click Create Analysis for Incident. The New Basic Analysis page appears. (You can also copy an existing analysis.)
  4. Enter an Analysis Name. The analysis name cannot contain an apostrophe or backslash; the cursor blinks if you try to add these characters and a message displays that these characters are disabled.

    Since incidents can have many analyses associated with them, be specific in your name (up to 48 characters). For example, "Red Valley BFB 06152009 1300 jdoe" would be the Red Valley fire, BFB run on June 15, 2009 at 1 pm by Jane Doe.

  5. Set the hours and conditioning days. The hour field is the time at which the fuels conditioning will stop.
  6. Set the foliar moisture content and select a crown fire method.
  7. Set the spread options in degrees (to simulate backing, flanking, or head fire).
  8. Verify the RAWS station information.
  9. Click Create. The Detailed Basic Fire Behavior page appears.
  10. Verify the following items:
  11. Create a landscape file and edit it if necessary. (See Creating the Landscape File and Editing a Landscape File.)
  12. Use the requirements fly-out menu on the right to ensure all required components are completed.
  13. Click Run Basic Fire Behavior. The Analysis List page reappears and displays the new analysis with a Queued status.

Depending on the landscape size and resolution, as well as the traffic on the server, the analysis could take several minutes to run. Refresh your browser to see the status change to Complete, then select the analysis and click View Results to see the analysis on the map view.

Last updated on 8/27/2019 11:38:12 AM.

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Running a Basic Fire Behavior (BFB) Analysis


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