WFDSS User Roles

The following sections explain what each user type is allowed to do at the system level in WFDSS. To request additional user roles in Production or Training, contact your Geographic Area Editor. To change your privileges for a specific incident, contact the author of the incident or the geographic area editor.

The user roles of Dispatcher, Author, and Geographic Area Editor are mutually exclusive.

Note: Incident Privileges are different than User Roles. Incident Privilege are incident-specific and not dependent on the system-level roles described here (for example, owner and approver are incident-specific).


All users who have access to WFDSS have at least the following privileges, but cannot make changes to the WFDSS data unless they have incident- or analysis-specific privileges:

Last updated on 3/1/2011 5:23:50 PM.


Last updated on 1/6/2022 2:15:46 PM.


The Author role with editing privileges is oftentimes responsible for drafting decision content and button-pushing in WFDSS. The Author is not responsible for drafting all decision content, nor the reviewing/approving of a WFDSS decision. The Author role can complete any of the following tasks:

Last updated on 3/22/2017 12:41:49 PM.

Data Manager

Last updated on 12/10/2010 12:08:18 AM.

Geographic Area Editor

The WFDSS Geographic Area Editor (GAE) role provides support to WFDSS users and incidents within their individual Geographic Areas (GA). GAEs have implicit ownership of incidents within their GAs, and serve as interagency technical experts and Geographic Area (GA) Point of Contacts for their agency or bureau.

GAEs from various agencies are typically designated within each GA. GAEs work cooperatively for the benefit of all users within their GA and are both able and expected to assist any caller from any agency within their GA.


GAE WFDSS Limitations:

Last updated on 1/4/2024 11:06:54 AM.

National Editor

Last updated on 6/16/2015 5:12:55 PM.

Fire Behavior Specialist and Super Analyst

These two roles served different purposes in the past but in 2018, were merged to share common privileges. Only one difference remains; Super Analysts can draw larger landscapes when the need arises.

Users requesting the Fire Behavior Specialist role should have previous fire behavior modeling experience, including evaluating and modifying landscape files, historic climate, and forecasted weather. These roles can:

Last updated on 8/27/2019 12:10:14 PM.

Help Desk

The Help Desk performs the following tasks:

Last updated on 11/13/2023 6:21:23 PM.


Comprised of the WFDSS core team and developers.

Last updated on 11/13/2023 6:26:51 PM.