For assistance with analysis, decision content, and website accessibility, please contact the Wildland Fire Decision Support Center at 208-387-5253.
For WFDSS access assistance, contact the IIA HelpDesk at 866-224-7677 / 616-323-1667.
Preliminary User Qualifications
The WFDSS application is intended for use by the US federal government for managing wildland fires. Please read the following to verify you qualify as an authorized user for this application. If you meet the qualifications, then press the continue button to proceed to the next page.

No Account Found
No account found associated with this email. If you believe this is an error, please contact the IIA HelpDesk at 866-224-7677 / 616-323-1667

Federal Employees
Federal employees with a pre-authorized email address will automatically be granted viewing privileges within the WFDSS application.
An email address is considered valid if it is from one of the following domains:
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
Federal employees without a pre-authorized email address should follow the instructions below provided for other WFDSS partners.

Tribal Employees
Tribal employees please contact your regional BIA WFDSS Geographic Area Editor. Your FMO, or BIA Regional FMO, will know the contact information for each region. DOI security training will need to be successfully completed before the GA Editor can grant you access.

Other WFDSS Partners
Non-federal WFDSS partners (as well as federal users without a pre-authorized email address) may gain access to the application by:
  1. Contacting the IIA HelpDesk to determine which Geographic Area Editor (GAE) should be contacted. The IIA HelpDesk can be contacted at:
    • 866-224-7677, or
    • 616-323-1667.
  2. Contacting the GAE to justify your business need and determine appropriate roles for your account.