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Automated STFB Values Inventory Information

It is now possible to obtain values inventory information associated with a Short-term Fire Behavior (STFB) analysis. When you make a Values Inventory request, WFDSS uses the STFB Arrival Time footprint to query a values inventory database. It then displays the values that are within the STFB Arrival Time grid, as well as what database layers were queried but contained no data within the area affected.

CAUTION:  Do NOT assume that the data layers are complete or all-inclusive!  The layers available in the values inventory are updated frequently as new information becomes available.  In addition, new value layers are periodically being added to the database.

To access the STFB values inventory information:

To access the Values Inventory associated with a Short-Term Fire Behavior (STFB) analysis, follow the steps below:

  1.  On the Incident List page, select the incident you want to view an STFB for.
  2. Click Assess Situation.
  3. On the Incident Situation Assessment page, choose the Map tab.
  4. Expand the Analyses Item.
  5. Click the black triangle (circled in red in the image below) next to the STFB analysis name.

    Information about the analysis appears.

    access STFB results

    STFB Display Options


  6. Click the Values Inventory (circled in red in example below)

    STFB Values Inventory example 1

    STFB Map tab with Values Inventory Highlighted

    A window will pop up saying that the values inventory request was submitted.

    STFB Values Inventory Submitted msg

  7. Wait a few moments, then refresh the screen by right-clicking and choosing Refresh from the menu.

    Values Inventory Information should then be displayed in the window.  Three tables are included on this page:

    • Basic information about the analysis
    • A table showing values found within the area covered by the STFB Arrival Time Grid (category, value, data source, as well as currency and coverage of the layers)
    • A table showing the currency and coverage of values layers that were queried but no results were found within the STFB footprint.

    STFB Values Inventory Tables

Even though this Values Inventory information is not totally complete and is still a work in progress, it will evolve and improve over time.  In the interim, it can provide some useful information for wildland fire decision support.

In This Section

WFDSS Short-Term Fire Behavior (STFB)

To access the STFB Values Inventory Information:

See Also

WFDSS STFB - What it is

WFDSS Automated STFB - What it needs (inputs)

WFDSS STFB - What it does (outputs)

WFDSS STFB - What it means (interpretation)

WFDSS STFB - Why use it - (potential uses)

WFDSS STFB - Assumptions and Limitations


Field Descriptions

Glossary Resources

Spatial Data Reference

Landscape Data Source Reference

Relative Risk Reference

Organization Assessment Reference

Fire Behavior Reference

About the WFDSS Decision Editors