To edit a group:
- In WFDSS, choose My Home Page > Address Book.
- Select My Address Book from the Address Book drop down.
- Check the box for the group you want to edit.
- Click Edit Group or click the User Name of the Group.
- To remove a member from the group, unmark the checkbox next to their name. Click Return.
- To add a group member
- Click the button next to User Filter (for adding users to your group).
- Select the appropriate Role from the Roles drop down.
- Select the Geographic Areas and Agencies.
- Enter the user's name in the User Name box. (You can enter the entire user's name, or just the first or last name.)
- Click Apply Filter. The selected User or User List appears.
- Check the box next to the user(s) you want to add to the group.
- Click Add.
- Click Return. You will be returned to the My Address Book user list.
- Click the User Name of the group you edited. You will see the group members with your edits.
Note: You can also edit the name of the group.