LANDFIRE 2012 v1.3.0

LANDFIRE 2012 v1.3.0 data for the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii were delivered in 2013. LANDFIRE 2010 1.2.0 refines urban, agriculture, and wetlands as well as incorporates disturbance (fire, vegetation management, weather, insects and disease) and succession through 2010.

This data is used by WFDSS for fire behavior analysis, and when users query fuels and topographic data on incident and intelligence map displays. Users can change the default selection on the Incident Information page, if they choose. If an analyst chooses a different data source for an analysis, the chosen data source would override the incident default data source for that analysis only.

LANDFIRE 2012 v1.3.0 adds more agricultural land updates from LANDFIRE Refresh 2010 v1.2.0. The update includes:

Several enhancements were made to the existing vegetation type layer in LF 2012:

Canopy fuels (canopy base height, canopy bulk density, stand height and canopy cover) reflect areas with disturbance, i.e. a historical high severity wildfire should now have areas with very low canopy cover and a different fuel model.

Click here for more information about LANDFIRE 2010 v1.2.0 and other LANDFIRE products.

If you are selecting the KBDI version of this data (available only in the Southeastern U.S.), please click here for more information on how that layer is automatically adjusted for drought conditions.


Landscape Data Introduction

WFDSS uses the aspect, slope, elevation, fuel model, canopy cover, canopy base height (CBH), canopy bulk density (CBD), and stand height layers to a create landscape file that displays fuels, topography and canopy information simultaneously (go to the Intelligence or Incidents - Situation page, or for fire behavior modeling, go to the Analysis page). Similar to the LANDFIRE data, all values are measured with the metric system:


Unit of Measure







canopy base height


canopy bulk density


canopy cover


stand height


fire behavior fuel model

40 or 13 (user selected)

Last updated on 3/17/2017 12:39:42 PM.

Fire Behavior Modeling Considerations with LANDFIRE 2012 v1.3.0

Last updated on 12/30/2021 3:17:24 PM.