Consolidated Sage Grouse Habitat

Last updated on 7/28/2023 2:18:35 PM.


This data set represents a Sage Grouse key habitat map for use within the Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS). The dataset includes the following categories:

Greater Sage-Grouse Sagebrush Focal Areas (SFA)

Areas identified by the USFWS that represent recognized “strongholds” for greater sage-grouse that have been noted and referenced as having the highest densities of greater sage-grouse and other criteria important for the persistence of the species.

SFAs are largely a subset of PHMAs except for in areas where the habitat model was updated in NV and CA in July of 2022. In NV, SFAs now fall within OHMA and GHMA categories in addition to PHMAs.

Note: In NV, habitat codes GHMA - SFA, OHMA - SFA, PHMA - SFA are categorized as SFA within WFDSS.

Greater Sage-Grouse Priority Habitat Management Areas (PHMA)

Areas identified as having the highest habitat value for maintaining sustainable GRSG populations.

Greater Sage-Grouse Important Habitat Management Areas (IHMA)

Areas with high value habitat and populations that provide a management buffer for the priority and sagebrush focal management areas or connect patches of priority and sagebrush focal management areas. IMHAs exist in Idaho only and are not as important as PHMAs. The areas are typically adjacent to priority habitat management and sagebrush focal areas.

Greater Sage-Grouse General Habitat Management Areas (GHMA)

Areas that are occupied seasonally or year-round habitat outside of PHMA where some special management would apply to sustain GRSG populations.

Greater Sage-Grouse Additional, Land Use Plan (LUP) Designations

Areas outside of PHMA/IHMA/GHMA where connectivity and restoration are emphasized. Additional LUP Areas consist of:

  • Other Habitat Management Areas (OHMA)
  • Restoration Habitat Management Areas (RHMA)
  • Linkage and Connectivity Habitat Management Areas (LCHMA)
  • Undesignated Habitat (UDH)
  • Anthro Mountain

Bi-State Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat (BS-GSGH)

ThUnoccupied Habitat is the second order priority for fire operations in GUSG habitat.e LUP amendment identifies these areas as highly valued to provide for the long-term viability of the Bi-State GRSG.

Bi-State Greater Sage-Grouse Connective Areas (BS-GSGC)

Areas identified by the LUP amendment as unsuitable habitat that fragment or separate suitable habitat areas.

Gunnison Sage-Grouse Occupied Habitat (GUSG-OH)

Areas of suitable habitat known to be used by GUSG within the last 10 years from the date of mapping. Occupied Habitat is the highest priority for fire operations in GUSG habitat.

Gunnison Sage-Grouse Unoccupied Habitat (GUSG-UH)

Unoccupied Habitat is the second order priority for fire operations in GUSG habitat.

Greater Sage-Grouse USFWS Priority Areas for Conservation (PAC)

Areas identified by the USFWS as essential for the long-term conservation of the sage-grouse. PACs are a subset of Current Occupied Range.

Greater Sage-Grouse USFWS Current Occupied Range (OCC)

Sagebrush habitats with the potential to support GRSG.

Data Input

These data were received by the WFDSS GIS Team from contacts at the BLM National Operations Center (NOC). The data are included in WFDSS exactly as they were received.

Caution: The data displayed in WFDSS are intended for STRATEGIC USE ONLY. Always verify the positional accuracy of the data with local knowledge.

Data Information


BLM - National Operations Center (NOC)

Data Currency:

GRSG (3/2/23) and GUSG (6/13/22)


West and Midwest Regions of the US



Data Download:

Will not be made available on the Spatial Data Downloads page

GIS Team Contacts

The WFDSS application is "data rich". It requires data which is spatially oriented and graphically displays information to support wildland fire and other natural resource decisions. Due to the type and number of interagency spatial data sets required in April 2009 an interagency GIS Team was formed to provide data support for WFDSS. This Team is responsible for acquiring, consolidating, and validating their agency spatial and tabular data. In addition this team developed and maintained communications among local, regional, and national agency personnel to improve the collection process and provide explicit guidance on data needs. The members of the WFDSS GIS Team are:

Table 1: WFDSS GIS Team Contacts



Amanda Rumsey
Data Scientist
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Jonah Vaughan
GIS Specialist
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Susan McClendon
GIS Specialist
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Jennifer L. Jenkins
GIS Specialist
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Julie Osterkamp
Natural Resource Specialist
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Joseph Kafka
Fire Management Specialist
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Skip Edel
Fire - GIS Program Lead
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Cole Belongie
Data Coordinator
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Andrew Bailey
National Fire Planner
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