Downloading a KMZ for the Incident Groups List
Users enter the Download Label for the KMZ download and submit a request to for the download to begin. Once the download occurs, you can access it from My Home > My Activities.
To download a KMZ for the incident groups list:
- From the Incident Groups tab, select the incident group you want to download a KMZ for and then click View Incidents. The list of incidents within that group displays.
- Click the Generate KMZ link located above the list of incidents. The KMZ Download for Incident Groups List page appears.
- Select the items to include in the KMZ download, and then click Continue.
- Enter a Download Label of your choice.
- Click Submit Request. The screen returns to the Incident Groups List page and a message displays at the top of the screen that the KMZ request has been sent for processing.
- Navigate to the My Home tab > My Activities to access the downloaded KMZ file.
Last updated on 12/30/2021 3:36:10 PM.