Adding Data Management Notes
Data Managers can add data management notes to document the fire planning process and other incident decisions or events. When developing a note, Data Managers specify if its related to FMU/SO Codes, Strategic Objectives, Management Requirements, Shapes or General. Data Managers can use the filters to sort notes by Type, or by the user's name who entered one or more notes.
To add Data Management Notes:
- Select . The Strategic Objectives and Management Requirements page appears.
- Select the sub-tab.
- Select the appropriate information.
- Select the sub-tab. The Data Management Notes page appears.
- Select one of the five Note Types from the drop-down list.
- Enter the note text in 4000 characters or less.
- Click Add Note. The Note is saved in the database.
- Click Return to return to the Strategic Objectives and Management Requirements page, or add, edit, or delete other notes.
Last updated on 12/12/2014 9:29:37 AM.