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To view analysis shapes:

  1. From the Analysis List page, select the analysis you want to view shapes for.
  2. Click View Information. The appropriate analysis page appears.
  3. Select Analysis Map. A map appears, showing the landscape extent of the analysis, an incident marker, and any previously uploaded shapes that relate to the incident.

Note: Depending on your Internet connection, the maps can take a minute or two to load the first time you access them each session. You will see a series of "Loading..." messages, followed by maps tiling into view. If the maps don't load after 3 minutes, contact the WFDSS IIA HelpDesk.

  1. In the left pane of the Map tab, verify that the incident layer is turned on.
    1. If the incident layer is not checked, click the + sign to expand the layer options.
    2. Select the shape you just uploaded (the description you entered when uploading the shape appears in the list).

The shape should appear on your map view. If you don't see the shape, you could be zoomed in too close. Try zooming out until you see the shape description, then use the hand (panning) tool to move the shape to the center of your screen before zooming back in.

If the shape still doesn't appear, it could mean that either the latitude and/or longitude are wrong (for the shape or the incident), or that you uploaded the wrong shape.

Last updated on 4/23/2012 3:37:08 PM.

In This Section

Viewing Shapes

See Also

To view incident shapes:


Field Descriptions

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