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To view unit shapes on the map:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate map by doing one of the following:
    • From the Incident List > select the incident > click Assess Situation. The map f or the incident appears.
    • Choose Intelligence tab. The map of your assigned geographic area appears.
    • From the Analysis List > select the analysis > click View Results. The map for the selected analysis appears.
  2. Choose the Map sub-tab > Unit Fire Planning map layers > select the shape(s) you want to display. The map refreshes and displays the selected shape.
  3. If the shape doesn't appear on your screen, do the following:
    1. Click the down arrow to the right of the shape. The shape tools appear.
    2. Select the Hand Icon Pan tool. The map shifts to the shape on the map.
    3. Zoom out to see the analysis or incident in relationship to the selected shape.
    4. Click Arrow Icon to select the shape.

Last updated on 1/23/2014 6:10:47 PM.

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Viewing Unit Shapes on a Map


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