Decision Content: Rationale
The decision rationale provides the opportunity to tell the "story" of the incident.
- Document why the decision was made to implement the selected course of action.
- Document the risk decision dialog among the Agency Administrators and Incident Managers.
Consider using the outline below to address the most important information in paragraph form is:
My decision is... Discuss what is allowed in the overarching land management plan, the probability of being successful, expected duration of the incident, what was considered but rejected
The cooperators involved in sharing the decision process are... Discuss who and why
The values of concern are... Summarize why they are important and the likelihood of there being impacts and area closures
The relative risk assessment and organization needs indicate... Tie to values, highlight expected firefighter exposure, Incident Management Team needs
The current fire situation is... Describe the area the fire is burning in and the fire environment
The following triggers would indicate revisions to this decision or that a new decision is needed... Describe low probability/high consequence events
Additional content to consider when developing the Rationale:
- What caused incident owners to make this decision?
- What caused incident owners to choose the course of action?
- What are the opportunities to manage the fire to meet land management plan objectives?
- What alternatives (objectives, strategies and tactics) are being considered?
- What is the relative probability of success associated with the alternatives being considered?
- What are the causes and influences on the incident?
- What are the social and political concerns/pressures?
- Who are the stakeholders that should be consulted prior to making a decision?
- What does the Relative Risk tell the user?
- What is the exposure to responders for the alternatives being considered?
- What alternative provides for the best balance between the desired outcome and exposure to responders?
- What are the critical values at risk?
- What is the chance the critical values will be impacted, and if so what are the consequences?
- What are the possible low probability/high consequence events?
- Are there smoke concerns?
- What Fire Behavior Models informed the decision?
- Did you document your qualitative and quantitative decision support elsewhere in the document? If so where?
- How was the estimated final cost constructed?
- What are your concerns related to the cost?
- What are the critical thresholds that will trigger reconsideration of the proposed alternative and how will they be monitored?
- Add text, images, data and analyses to support your decision.
Last updated on 6/25/2019 1:34:57 PM.