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Decision Content: Rationale

The decision rationale provides the opportunity to tell the "story" of the incident.

Consider using the outline below to address the most important information in paragraph form is:

My decision is... Discuss what is allowed in the overarching land management plan, the probability of being successful, expected duration of the incident, what was considered but rejected

The cooperators involved in sharing the decision process are... Discuss who and why

The values of concern are... Summarize why they are important and the likelihood of there being impacts and area closures

The relative risk assessment and organization needs indicate... Tie to values, highlight expected firefighter exposure, Incident Management Team needs

The current fire situation is... Describe the area the fire is burning in and the fire environment

The following triggers would indicate revisions to this decision or that a new decision is needed... Describe low probability/high consequence events

Additional content to consider when developing the Rationale:

Last updated on 6/25/2019 1:34:57 PM.

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See Also

Decision Content: Modeling

Decision Content: Risk

Decision Content: Objectives

Decision Content: Course of Action

Decision Content: Incident Information

Decision Content: Weather

Additional Decision Content

Decision Content: Benefits

Decision Content: Cost


Field Descriptions

Glossary Resources

Spatial Data Reference

Landscape Data Source Reference

Relative Risk Reference

Organization Assessment Reference

Fire Behavior Reference

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