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Sharing Filters

GA Editors, National Editors, and users assigned the Feedback role can share and transfer individual incident, analysis, group, and intelligence filters to one or more users. A filter is shared from the Manage Filters perspective, and can be set as the default filter for the user you are sharing with.

This option is helpful for new users having a hard time using filters. GA Editors, National Editors and/or users assigned the Helpdesk role can create an appropriate filter for the user and then share it directly with them, and other users as needed.

To share an Incident, Analysis, Group, or Intelligence filter:

  1. From the Incident List, Analysis List, Group, or Intelligence map, select Manage Filters.
  2. Select the filter from the Filter List that you want to share.
  3. Click Transfer Filter.
  4. Search for the User Name that you want to share the filter with, and then select the checkbox beside their User ID.
  5. Determine if you want to select the filter as the user's default filter, and then select Yes or No.
  6. Double-check the name of the filter you are sharing to ensure you have selected the correct filter, and then click Transfer Filter.
  7. A message appears atop the screen that says the filter transferred to the user.

Last updated on 9/16/2016 10:57:06 AM.

In This Section


To share an Incident, Analysis, Group, or Intelligence filter

See Also

Using Filters

Creating a Group Filter

Incident Filters

Intelligence Filters

Analysis Filters


Field Descriptions

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Relative Risk Reference

Organization Assessment Reference

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