Release Notes 7.1.2
10/19/2022 - Release 7.1.2
Data Layers
- The Landscape Extent tool was removed from the Unit Map
- Fixed an issue preventing users from uploading zipped (KMZ) kml shapes that were not wrapped in a <Document> or <Folder> tag.
- Improved the KMZ Download code to reduce failures.
- Fixed an issue preventing KML file types from working in the Shape Uploads feature.
- Added the KMZ type and label to the user message when a KMZ is uploaded.
- Hyperlinks on the Situation Map, Pop Out Situation Map, and Group Map are now blue. This includes Incident Name, Incident Objective Shape, Management Action Points, and RAWS.
- The Map Capture icon is now part of the Group Map. Map captures taken on the Group Map of a public group are added to the incident content for all incidents in the group.
- The Map Capture label and description now clear out after an image is captured. This reduces the chance of an image with the same name being sent twice, leaving a transaction in process. Additionally if an image with the same name is sent, the system gives a warning to the user that the image has been replaced with the updated image.
- Fixed issue causing a closed connection when Near Term Fire Behavior images are processing.
- Improved messaging to users when the forecast for an area is unavailable from the ERC Stream page of an FSPro analysis.
- Improved the user messaging when analysis fail due to no pixels burned.
- Fixed issue causing failures generating document and values inventories.
- Fixed an infrequent issue causing failures when viewing the analysis reports and decisions.
Data Layers
- MS Building Centroid layer is queried in Values Inventories (VI) and Values-at-Risk (VAR).
- Updated utilities to make the Building Clusters layer the basis for building the MS Building Centroids layer.
- Updated the LANDFIRE Slope, Aspect, and Elevation layers for AK, HI, PR with the 2020 data that calculates for true north.
- Removed obsolete attributes relating to IRWIN data exchange.
- Added a link to the IRWIN JSON for Complexes that come into WFDSS as Incident Groups from IRWIN.
- Fixed an issue causing an IRWIN closed connection during updates to an Incident Group.
Summary Reports
- The Resource Benefit Summary Report screen is now hidden from user view.
- The Notification and Identification features for Decisions within the USFS Resource Benefit Incident Objectives are now hidden from user view.
System Support
- Updated the code to ensure service transactions are not deleted for incidents, analysis, or groups that have been previously deleted.
- The Service Transaction table on the Support Tab can now be 1) filtered to return transactions up to 2399 hours or a value of 0 to filter with no limit and 2) filtered by Reply Text.
- The ability to search by email is added to the Admin User List page. Wildcard search added to the User Name search in all locations.
- The email domain is removed from the list of emails that are automatically granted viewer accounts.
- Support tab displays connection information relating to connections and active users.
- The WFDSS Training system was connected to the Integrated Reporting of Wildland Fire Information (IRWIN) Test environment. It reads and writes to that environment following the same Authoritative Data Source (ADS) and hierarchy as the Production system.
- The Administration tab now provides a filter that returns the users that have accessed the system in the last number of days. The filter can be set up to 4 digits. The existing filter for no access in the last days has been set to allow 4 digits.
- Improved the user and transaction messaging for documents to include the name, type, and subtype when available.
- Resetting transactions from the Support tab now populates the Reply Time field to prevent transactions from updating as users navigate the user interface.
- Adjusted the minimum and maximum server connections.
- Updated the system to allow all NWCG Incident Types and Categories.
- Corrected wording in the User Account Security Check email to correctly state the systems that were checked.
- The database table now tracks changes to ownership and incidents within an Incident Group by Incident Name and Username rather than Incident ID and User ID.
- The User Audit Log now tracks logouts when a user is timed out.
- Cleaned up backend LANDFIRE data tables to reduce storage.
- Removed the Expiration Date from the My Activities page. The page now shows the past 100 days of activity.
- Fixed an issue that prevented system monitoring checks processing when transactions failed that were submitted by WFDSS.
System Utilities
- The code no longer deletes the Service Transactions in the Clean File utility.
- Updated the file utility feature to use the move function.
- Fixed utilities used to build the Building Clusters layer that were broken during the upgrade to Java8 and log4j2.
- Fixed the Utility used to group the point data in both the Cadastral Layers (Building Clusters) and the Communication Towers so that it can display correctly on the maps.