To review a decision:
- Navigate to the incident decision you need to review in one of two ways:
- Click the link provided in your notification email > login to WFDSS > select the pending decision. Proceed to step 3.
- Login to WFDSS > Incidents > select incident > View Information > Decisions > select the pending decision. Proceed to step 2
- Click Review/Approve Decision. The Pending Decision page appears.
- Review the decision content and determine whether or not you agree with the decision.
- If you agree with the contents of the decision, click Mark the Decision Reviewed. The Decision List page reappears, as does a message appears saying that the pending decision was accepted.
- If you disagree, click Return for Edits. A comment dialog box appears.
- Enter your comments about why you are returning the decision for edits. Be specific and tell the Author/Incident Owner what they need to do to fix the decision content.
- Click Return for Edits. The Decision List page reappears, as does a message saying that the decision has been returned for edits.
Last updated on 1/30/2018 12:58:25 PM.