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Approving and Publishing a Decision

At least one decision Approver is required. Before a decision is published, all designated Approvers must approve the decision. Once all designated Approvers have approved the decision, the Publish Decision button becomes available. The Approver that publishes the decision also determines the number of days between periodic assessments (up to 14 days.)

If multiple approvers are assigned and the last one approver is removed, one of the previous approvers must re-approve the decision and set the periodic assessment.

If you are designated as the sole decision Approver, you receive an email when the decision is set to approve. If you are one of multiple Approvers, you may opt out of receiving the email so long as one Approver continues to receive it. An Approver can manage their email preference in two ways:

The email is helpful because it contains a hyperlink that allows an Approver to quickly navigate to the decision that needs approval.

Note: If necessary, you can bypass the review process and approve a decision even if it hasn't been reviewed yet. However, doing so locks out the reviewers.

To approve a decision:

  1. Navigate to the incident decision you need to approve in one of two ways:
    • Click the link provided in your notification email > login to WFDSS > select the pending decision.
    • Login to WFDSS > Incidents > select incident > View Information > Decisions > select the pending decision.
  2. Click Review/Approve Decision. The Decision Content page appears.
  3. To determine if the Reviewers have seen the decision, click View Info button.
    • If no Reviewers are listed, consider contacting the Incident Owner before approving the decision to ensure no reviewers should be assigned.
    • If the decision reviewers are listed, note who they are and when they reviewed the decision.
  4. Click Return to return to the Decision list.
  5. Review the decision content and determine whether or not you agree with the decision. You may choose to print a draft decision .PDF or you may click the View Decision button.
  6. If you agree with the contents of the decision, click Review/Approve Decision. The page refreshes to display Approve Decision and Return for Edits option atop the page. If you are the final Approver, the Publish Decision page appears.
    1. Set the number of days between assessments. For active incidents, you want more frequent assessments.
    2. To receive an email notification that the assessment is due, click the checkbox (you may not see the checkbox if you are the final approver).
    3. Click Publish Decision. The Decision List page reappears, with the message that the decision has been published.
  7. If you disagree, click Return for Edits. A comment dialog box appears.
    1. Enter your comments about why you are rejecting the decision. Be specific and tell the Author/Incident Owner what they need to do to fix the decision content.
    2. Click Return for Edits. The Decision List page reappears, as does a message saying that the decision was returned. The problem needs to be fixed before the decision can be re-reviewed and approved.
    3. Follow up with the Author/Incident Owner. Once the decision is rejected, the problem needs to be fixed before the decision can be re-reviewed and approved.

All Approvers for an incident must approve the decision before it is published.

Last updated on 6/16/2022 2:31:35 PM.

In This Section

Decision Review and Approval

To approve a decision:

See Also

Reviewing a Decision

Conducting a Periodic Assessment

Approval Process for Line Officers


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