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Assigning an Owner to an Incident

Owner is an incident privilege that can be applied to anyone with Author, GA Editor, or National Editor roles. Users assigned these roles are automatically assigned ownership of incidents that they create, but can transfer ownership of incidents to:

However, when Dispatchers create incidents, no owner is immediately assigned to the incident, until an Author or Editor accepts ownership.

Each role can assign owners as follows:

Incidents require an Owner when a decision needs to be published. This typically occurs when the incident has a resource objective or goes into extended attack.

To assign an owner to an incident:

  1. From the Incident List, select the unassigned incident you want to assign an owner to.
  2. Click Accept. WFDSS updates the Owner Name with your name and gives the message, "Incident updated successfully".
  3. Select the incident again.
  4. Click View Information. The Edit Incident Information page appears.
  5. Click Transfer Ownership. The Transfer Ownership page appears.
  6. To quickly find the person you want to transfer ownership to, enter their last name in the User Name field and click Apply Filter.
  7. From the User List, select the person you want to transfer ownership to.
  8. Click Transfer Ownership. The Edit Incident Information page reappears with the name of the new incident owner displayed.

The incident owner is responsible for ensuring that decisions related to the incident get documented, reviewed, and approved. (See Assigning a Decision Team to an Incident.)

In This Section

Incident Ownership

To assign an owner to an incident:

See Also

Filtering Incident Privileges

Transferring Incident Ownership

Transferring Incident Ownership to a Group

Transferring Incident Ownership to Another Author

Managing Incident Privileges


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