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To create a new incident filter using the Manage Filters button:

  1. From the Incident List, click Manage Filters, and then click Create New Filter. The Create New Filter page appears.
  2. Click Clear to remove any previous filters.
  3. Enter a new Filter Name.
  4. Expand the filter option lists if needed to view your selections, and click Blue expand arrow next to the filter heading.
  5. Select the Date Filters related to the incidents you are filtering for.
  6. Select the appropriate Other Filter options.

    Use the check boxes, radio buttons, and drop-down lists as appropriate to make your selections. To use, the category Selections appear in the right-hand side of the page. To remove an item, click <<.

    • Incident privileges
    • State
    • Decisions (for published decisions, you can also sort by minimum and maximum cost)
    • Acreage
    • Geographic Area
    • Jurisdiction
  7. Enter a comma-separated list of Unit IDs that you want to filter on (e.g., CACND, CAALT, NCNCF).
  8. Enter all or part of the Incident Author name and click Apply Filter to limit your list to names that match your search criteria. Click >> next to each person you want to include in your criteria. The names appear in the list on the right.
  9. To view specific incidents, enter all or part of the Incident Name and click Apply Filter to limit your list to names that match your search criteria. Click >> next to the incident names you want to include in your criteria. The names appear in the list on the right.
  10. Click Save Filter. Your changes are saved and the Incident List Display Preferences page appears. (See Setting Incident Preferences.)
  11. Click Return. The Incident List page appears.
  12. Locate the new filter in the Filters drop-down list and select it.

If the Incident List is empty, no incidents met all of your criteria. Click Edit Filter and verify that you selected the correct criteria. Try removing some of your more restrictive criteria. For example, if someone has changed the incident owner for the incident you are looking for, it will not show up on your list if you select the previous owner's name.

Last updated on 3/25/2013 12:28:12 PM.

In This Section

Creating Incident Filters

See Also

To create a new incident filter using the Edit Filter button:


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