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Adding Rows to or Deleting Rows from the ERC Classes Table (FSPro)

A Fire Behavior Specialist (FBS) can add rows to the ERC classes table when needed. For example, you may want to add one or more rows to capture current or forecasted ERC values that fall below and outside the range of ERC values captured by the date filter for the selected weather station. Clicking Add Row adds a row below the lowest bin, and then clicking Recalculate Fuel Moistures populates the fields in the new row and assigns a new 'floor' or lowest set of ERC values that will generate fire growth. A minimum ERC value of zero is the default, but the user can edit that value when values approaching zero are inappropriate for the analysis. A FBS can add multiple rows, but typically one or two is sufficient.

If current or predicted daily ERC values are less than the 60th percentile (or lowest ERC bin) and the fire is actively spreading, you can add an additional row(s) to the ERC classes table below the lowest bin to ensure that fire growth will be modeled on those days. For example, if the lowest ERC value in the lowest bin is 64, and fire is actively spreading when the daily ERC value is 60, you can add an additional row, recalculate fuel moistures, and then either keep the default minimum ERC value of zero or assign that field a new value low enough to ensure that the range of ERC values in that bin will include the lowest daily forecasted ERC value during the modeling period. Otherwise, no fire growth will be modeled on the days the ERC value is below the lowest bin and FSPro will automatically assign those days a burn period of zero minutes.

You cannot add rows above the 97th percentile because the FSPro model does not recognize a 'ceiling'. For this reason, modeled burn days with forecasted ERC values higher than the 97th percentile are assigned fuel moisture, burn periodspotting probability, and spotting delay information consistent with the 97th percentile bin values. You can redistribute Min and Max ERC values manually among the bins.

WFDSS provides the option for FBS staff to delete rows from the ERC classes table when needed.

To add rows to the ERC Classes Table (FSPro):

  1. Navigate to the analysis that contains the ERC class table you want to add a row(s) to and select it from the Analysis List.
  2. Locate the ERC Classes page by doing one of the following:
    • Click View Information > click ERC Classes from the menu options in the left pane.
    • From within an analysis, click ERC Classes from the menu options in the left pane.
  3. Click Add Row to add a one row or click more than once to add multiple rows. Ensure that each row you add contains a valid range of Min and Max ERC values (both values cannot be zero).
  4. Click Recalculate Fuel Moistures to automatically populate the remaining fields in the row or manually enter appropriate values.
  5. Click Save.

Last updated on 1/23/2012 12:42:49 PM.

 To delete rows from the ERC Classes Table (FSPro):

  1. Navigate to the analysis that contains the ERC class table you want to delete a row(s) from and select it from the Analysis List.
  2. Locate the ERC Classes page by doing one of the following:
    • Click View Information > click ERC Classes from the menu options in the left pane.
    • From within an analysis, click ERC Classes from the menu options in the left pane.
  3. You can delete individual rows or all of the rows:
    • Click Delete Row to delete a row or more than once to delete multiple rows. Modify values in the table if needed.
    • Click Delete All Rows to delete all rows in the ERC Classes table.
  4. Click Save.

Last updated on 1/23/2012 12:42:49 PM.

In This Section

About ERC Classes (FSPro)

To Add Rows to the ERC Classes Table (FSPro)

To Delete Rows from the ERC Classes Table (FSPro)

See Also

ERC Classes Menu Option (FSPro)

Generating ERC Classes (FSPro)

Selecting a Date Filter for Generating ERC Classes (FSPro)

Viewing ERC Percentiles


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