About the Analysis List
The WFDSS Analysis List page displays all fire behavior analysis types (Basic Fire Behavior, Short-Term Fire Behavior, Near-Term Fire Behavior, FSPro) that exist in WFDSS, regardless of status (unless you are using filters). It is accessed by clicking the Analyses tab. It is where:
- Fire Behavior Specialists can:
- WFDSS users with analysis edit privileges can view and modify inputs for assigned analyses that have not been run.
- All WFDSS users can:
- National Editors can delete an analysis in Training.
WFDSS uses the following analysis status types:
- Assigned: A fire behavior specialist (FBS) is currently working on the inputs for the analysis.
- Canceled: The FBS canceled the analysis before any results were calculated.
- Canceled Results: The FBS canceled the analysis while it was being processed, but some results are available for the FBS to view.
- Complete: The analysis is completed and can be viewed by anyone with viewer privileges (or higher).
- Failed: The analysis failed; this could be for a variety of reasons.
- Failed (No Spread Data for Ignition): no fire behavior because of high fuel moistures maybe raining
- Failed (Invalid ignition file): igntion on unburnable fuels
- In Process: Fire behavior calculations are being processed for the analysis.
- Queued: The analysis has been submitted and is in line waiting to be processed.
- Processing Results: Fire behavior calculations are finished and the system is preparing the output display, generating a Values Inventory, etc.
- Refused: A FBS has read through the FSPro request and has chosen to NOT accept the analysis.
- Rejected: The FBS has reviewed the analysis results and has chosen to Reject the analysis instead of accepting it as complete.
- Requested: An Incident author has requested an FSPro analysis to be completed for an Incident.
- Review: Analysis results have been calculated and are ready to be reviewed by the FBS.
Use the analysis filters to find the analysis that you want.
Last updated on 6/25/2021 2:01:32 PM.