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Downloading an Analysis KMZ File

While every effort has been made to make WFDSS a system that meets all of your geospatial needs, we recognize that, occasionally, you might need to analyze and view spatial information outside of WFDSS. You can download data in several formats:

KMZ files (Keyhole Markup Language Zip file is a file format that is used to display geographic information, such as KMZ files in GOOGLE Earth.)

You can download analysis results of FSPro, NTFB, and STFB if you are the incident owner, or have privileges to view or edit the analysis. Once the analysis is complete, any WFDSS user can download the KMZ file for a single analysis or multiple analysis by using the Filter List.

The Near Term Fire Behavior Results Downloads page has links to KMZs; these KMZs, when opened in Google Earth, allow users To View NTFB KMZ Animations.

Note: If you have just received privileges to view an analysis, log out and log back in to WFDSS so the privileges in your profile update properly.

To download a KMZ file:

  1. From the Analysis List page, select the analysis you want to download a KMZ for.
  2. Select Download KMZ. The File Dowload box appears.
  3. Click one of the download options:
    • Save to download the KMZ file to your desktop. Specifiy the location to save the file. Click Save. Once the file is downloaded to your computer, you can double-click the file to open it in Google Earth.
    • Open to display the KMZ file in Google Earth. The KMZ file name appears in the My Places pane in Google Earth. You can view the information by clicking the + to expand the list.
    • Cancel to exit the File Download box and return to WFDSS.

Once you download the KMZ, you can use it outside of WFDSS; examples include training, briefings, or data management.

Last updated on 5/12/2014 10:43:18 AM.


In This Section

Analysis for Fire Behavior Specialists

To download a KMZ file:

To view NTFB KMZ animations

See Also

Viewing Fire Behavior Request Details

Accepting or Refusing an Analysis Request

Granting Analysis Privileges

Downloading a RAWS KMZ File

Analysis Notes

About Analysis Shape Files (STFB, NTFB, FSPro)

Drawing a Landscape Extent

Creating a Landscape Editor Rule

Importing Landscape Editor Rules

Creating the Landscape File

Downloading an LCP File

Editing the Landscape File

Modifying Landscape File Parameters

Viewing the Landscape for an Analysis

Generating a Landscape Critique

Downloading a Landscape Critique

Basic Fire Behavior (BFB)

Running a Basic Fire Behavior (BFB) Analysis

Copying an Existing Basic Fire Behavior Analysis

Analyst_Assisted Short Term Fire Behavior (STFB)

Running a Short-Term Fire Behavior (STFB) Analysis

Copying an Existing Short-Term Fire Behavior Analysis

Near-Term Fire Behavior (NTFB)

Running a Near-Term Fire Behavior Analysis (NTFB)

Setting Up Burn Periods for NTFB

Using Gridded Winds (BFB, STFB)

Modifying Wind Information (BFB, STFB)

Modifying Fuel Moistures for Fire Behavior Analysts

About Weather Station Information (BFB & STFB, NTFB, FSPro)

About FWX Weather Files

Downloading FWX Weather Files (FSPro)

Weather Station Availability for Fire Behavior Analysis

Generating Hourly Weather Forecasts

Viewing and Modifying Weather Summary Data (BFB, STFB & NTFB)

Copying an Existing Near-Term Fire Behavior Analysis

Creating an FSPro Analysis

About General FSPro Input Parameters

FSPro Information Menu Option

About Run FSPro Status

Monitoring FSPro Run Status from the Analysis List

About the Date Filter (FSPro)

Copying an Existing FSPro Analysis

About the ERC Stream (FSPro)

About ERC Classes (FSPro)

Setting up FSPro Winds

Editing the FSPro Wind Matrix

Adding or Deleting Rows to the Winds Matrix (FSPro)

Downloading Winds (FSPro)

Recalculating Winds Distribution (FSPro)

Interpreting the Winds Rose (FSPro)

Near Term Fire Behavior Results Downloads

FSPro Fire Behavior Results Downloads

Viewing Analysis Notes

Viewing Analysis Results

Viewing the Analysis Report


Field Descriptions

Glossary Resources

Spatial Data Reference

Landscape Data Source Reference

Relative Risk Reference

Organization Assessment Reference

Fire Behavior Reference

About the WFDSS Decision Editors