Release Notes - 6.4.7
11/18/2020 - Release 6.4.7
Required Security Changes
WFDSS implemented multiple required security changes into the 6.4.7 release (November 18, 2020): including changes to the Forgot your user name? and Forgot your password? process, changes to the security question/answer, adding CAPTCHA technology, adding cross site forgery prevention, validating emails, and encrypting user IDs in links from the HelpDesk.
Initial Login Post Release 4.6.7
- The first-time users log into WFDSS after the 6.4.7 deployment, they must select a standard security question from a drop-down list of possible questions and provide an answer.
- The security question response is case insensitive.
Forgot Your Password?
- CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing to tell Computers and Humans Apart) verification has been added to the Forgot your password? process. Users must select images, type letters or phrases to verify they are a human user.
- Clicking Forgot your password? requires submission of the primary email address associated with a WFDSS account. The system sends an email containing a link for a password reset to this address.
- The link is good for two hours, or until another link is requested. Users can only use the Forgot your password? process three times within 30 minutes.
- Users must provide their User Name and then are prompted to answer their security question. Users are allowed five attempts to answer their Security Question. If entered incorrectly, on the fifth attempt users must wait 30 minutes before using the Forgot Your Password? link again.
- Users can always contact the IIA HelpDesk for immediate password reset support.
Forgot Your User Name?
- CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing to tell Computers and Humans Apart) verification is now required to use the Forgot your user name? process. Users must select images, type letters or phrases to verify they are a human user.
- Clicking Forgot your user name? requires submission of the primary email address associated with a WFDSS account, this generates an email that displays a list of User Names and Roles associated with that email.
- Users can only use the Forgot your user name? look up process three times within 30 minutes.
- Users can always contact the IIA Helpdesk for immediate user name support.
Requesting New Accounts
- The Request New Account screen and emails sent to non-federal users have been updated to provide more accurate instructions regarding the users next steps and the password set up and users role request process.
Additional Security Modifications
- When the CAPTCHA technology fails, users subscribed to the "Other" Notification list are notified with an email including the user’s email that failed.
- Implemented cross site forgery prevention measures.
- All user emails now undergo basic validation. This validation is added to the Account Request, Forgot user password? and Forgot you user name? functions in addition to User Profile, Fire Behavior Request, and Analysis Contact information.
- The User ID portion of links sent by the Helpdesk to reset a user’s password have been encrypted.
Data Layers
- Corrected an issue in which the communications towers were not displaying correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the Unit Name displayed next to the Jurisdictional Point of Origin displayed "Not Set" instead of showing the correct name on the Incident Information Page, Fire Behavior Request Emails, and the Incident Decision.
- Fixed an issue where the Incident Information could not be saved if the Incident Name contained invalid characters when the name was set outside of WFDSS. Users can save the Incident Information for incidents with invalid names but if they chose to modify the name, they are restricted to using valid characters accepted by WFDSS.
- Fixed an issue with sorting on the Description column on the IRWIN Issue List.
- Fixed an issue with the IRWIN Issues list in which resolved issues were being updated rather than a new issue being created.
- Fixed an issue where WFDSS would try to geospatially set the Point of Origin Land Owner Kind and Category in IRWIN when WFDSS did not have write access to that field.
- Fixed an issue on the Incident Information page which allowed WFDSS users to modify the Jurisdictional Unit at Point of Origin when WFDSS did not have write access to this field.
- Fixed an issue where the map image captures generated from IRWIN reflected an In-Process status rather than Success, when they were successfully created.
Map Pages
- Fixed an issue where map captures would intermittently fail if the Jurisdictional Agency Layer was included.
- Removed the Natl Historic Trails, Natl Rec Trails, Natl Scenic Trails, and Natl Scenic Byways from the Designated Areas->Special tree node in the Layer Switcher Tree on the Map Pages to prevent duplication. These are already under the Infrastructure->Roads and Trails node.
- Corrected the current Planning Area color on the Incident Groups Map. The current Planning area color is purple, but it displayed inconsistently between environments.
System Support
- Improved tracking/recording of information when a user modifies a system property from the support tab. This includes recording the time a property was changed, and adding a new action to Modify Property in the User Audit Trail so users can search the audit trail to locate all property modifications.
- Added a View User Info to the Service Transaction List of the Support tab to allows users to click on a transaction and display the User Name, Phone Number(s), and email associated with USER ID for that transaction.
- Support role users can now Regenerate Analysis Values from the Support tab.
- Fixed an issue where the Generate LCP Critique on the Support tab was using an older, incorrect style of the Critique.
- Removed 'Predictive Svcs Day 1' from the Feature Query drop-down List.
- Improved the message displayed to the user and recorded in the Service Transaction Table when the Point of Origin Values failed because the Point of Origin had been modified prior to the values generation completing.
System Utilities
- Modified the utility that updates the Unit information in WFDSS from NWCG to modify the Unit Name, Agency, and Phone Number that is shown in WFDSS when the data is updated in NWCG.
- Metadata scripts were corrected and rerun.
- Fixed an issue with the utility that syncs roles from Production to Training, allowing roles granted to be correctly viewed by other users.
- Fixed an issue with the utility that updates the Unit Information in WFDSS from NWCG so it correctly runs on both Production and Training.
Values Inventory
- Modified the properties so the FSPro Suppression Outputs and their corresponding Values at Risk are no longer generated. This reduces processing time. The FSPro Suppression Effects are still available for download from the Results Map.
- Improved processing of FSPro Values at Risk by decreasing the time it takes to generate the values.