WFDSS provides powerful fire behavior modeling tools. These tools help you predict where the fire will go next so that you can plan your management strategy accordingly.
The more complex fire behavior modeling tools require the assistance of a Fire Behavior Specialist. However, Dispatchers, Authors, and Editors can run automated Basic Fire Behavior and Short-Term Fire Behavior on their incidents.
Unless you have filtered them out, the Analysis List page displays the status of all fire behavior analyses, these include:
- Assigned: A fire behavior specialist (FBS) is currently working on the inputs for the analysis.
- Canceled: The FBS canceled the analysis before any results had been calculated.
- Canceled (FlamMap XX of YY): The FBS canceled an FSPro analysis during the FlamMap process.
- Canceled Results: The FBS canceled the analysis while it was being processed but some results are available for the FBS to view.
- Complete: The analysis is completed and can be viewed by anyone with viewer privileges (or higher).
- Failed: The analysis failed, this could be for a variety of reasons.
- Failed (No Spread Data for Ignition): Could occur if your fuel moistures are too high.
- Failed (Invalid Ignition File): Occurs when the ignition point is on unburnable fuels.
- In Process: Fire behavior calculations are being processed for the analysis.
- Queued: The analysis has been submitted and is in line waiting to be processed.
- Refused: A FBS has read through the FSPro request and has chosen to NOT accept the analysis.
- Rejected: The FBS has reviewed the analysis results and has chosen to Reject the analysis instead of accepting it as complete.
- Requested: An Incident author has requested an FSPro analysis to be completed for an Incident.
- Review: Analysis results have been calculated and are ready to be reviewed by the FBS.
Last updated on 2/13/2014 11:36:17 AM.