WFDSS replaces the WFIP, WFSA, and LTIP processes for developing risk-informed decisions and preparing decision documents related to wildland fire incidents.
Risk-informed decision making requires two distinct but linked processes: analysis and deliberation. Analysis involves the rigorous, replicable methods to provide information about factual questions. While analysis brings new information into the decision making process, it informs the deliberation. Deliberation is the discussion, reflection, and persuasion to communicate, raise issues, collectively consider issues, increase understanding, and facilitate substantive decisions. New analyses are framed as deliberation brings new insights, questions, and problem formulations.
Figure 1: Risk Informed Decision Process WFDSS
The top portion of the slide shows a risk informed decision process through analysis and deliberation. The blue strip at the bottom of the slide shows the WFDSS decision flow process and how it lines up with the deliberative risk informed decision process. In WFDSS the INFORMATION tab is the Problem Formulation of risk informed decision making. SITUATION and OBJECTIVES provide the Information Gathering and Analysis of the risk informed process. The COURSE OF ACTION is the Synthesis. RATIONALE is the Thought Process and Affirmation of Analysis results. DECISION SUMMARY is the Application-Decision Implementation. REPORTS aligns with the Archival Documentation.
Last updated on 5/16/2018 10:32:13 AM.
WFDSS is the system of record for creating, compiling, and publishing a decision related to wildland fire incidents. The WFDSS Decision ensures that a fire incident is managed using the latest science, relative risk assessments, and fire model data. Incident owners create a pending decision using the WFDSS application when an incident escapes initial attack, grows significantly in cost and/or resource use, or requires a new course of action. The Decision is reviewed and approved for each incident by designated reviewers and approvers. When a decision is approved it is a Published Decision.
The Decision includes information about the following:
GA Editors, Dispatchers, Incident Owners, and decision approvers work together in order to publish a decision.
Incident owners are responsible for completing and compiling the required documentation before beginning the review/approval process for an incident decision. For Decisions using the Advanced and the Default Editor, at the top of the Decisions page there is a section titled Requirements that must be completed before the pending decision can be Reviewed / Approved. Users can also use the requirements fly-out menu on the right to ensure all required components are completed
The Default Editor also contains the vertical tab Decision Requirements that contains a list of items that need completed prior to beginning the Review/Approval Process. It contains a list of tasks that must be completed before a decision can be reviewed and approved. The list is generated when you initially create a decision and it updates automatically, as you develop and save inputs. The list below contains items from the list and links to topics that can help you complete each task:
Incident Owners and Editors use the Decision Editor to add supportive text, images, and information to a decision document before it is published. This support information explains why actions were taken during the incident that help control the incident and declare it out.
When a decision is submitted for review and or approval, the owner approver and reviewers all receive email notification when the decision becomes reviewable.
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