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Editing a Decision

In order to view and/or edit content included in the WFDSS decision, a draft decision must be created via the Decision tab. From the Decision tab, editing a decision can be accomplished using either the Default or Advanced Decision Editors, which are both accessible on the Decisions tab.

The interface for editing a decision is different for each editor, however the editable sections of a decision remain the same and are as follows: 

Both decision editors allow multiple Owners or Editors to work on a decision simultaneously. This strategy is more efficient and helps a unit produce a decision document more quickly than if multiple users work together in one WFDSS profile. Users can check out and edit a portion of the decision and check it back in when they are finished. Checked out portions of a decision can only be edited by the user that checked it out, to eliminate the risk of multiple editors ‘walking’ on each other.

A decision consists of nine parts and you can select /check out the full pending decision for editing or just a section. Typically, it is best to just edit one section of a document at a time. This enables other users to edit other sections of the decision at the same time.

When a decision or its sections show as Available in the status column, the decision and its parts are available for editing and are not checked out by Incident Owners or Editor.

To edit a decision using the Default Decision Editor:

  1. Navigate to the Pending Decision on the Decisions tab and select the section to add text to by clicking the radio button next to the section. Select Edit.
  2. The Default Decision Editor opens to display vertical tabs; if you are editing the entire decision, the tab furthest to the right will open. If you've just chosen a section to edit, the vertical tab for that section will display.
  3. Depending on which section of the Decision you are editing different required and optional content will be available for inclusion. Depending on the tab, you may be able to:
    • Insert a Section: Enables you to add content that consists of a title, text and/or images.
    • Select optional content to include in a decision such as analysis outputs, assessment charts, various inventory options and customized risk tables.
    • Access assessment tools for developing relative risk and organization assessments (if you navigate away from the decision editor to develop assessments, click Return to return the decision editor).
    • Utilize sliders to document benefits and/or strategy (optional).
    • Create primary decision inputs and supporting comments (if you navigate away from the decision editor to develop inputs, click Return to return the decision editor).
  4. Select Save after appropriate edits, and click View Section to see how a section will display in a decision.

    Users can insert another text section by clicking Insert Section or Insert Before depending on if it is desired to add a new text section before or after an existing section.

    Use the Edit button to edit text in any of the added sections.

    Use the Move Up and Move Down arrows to change the order of the text sections.

    To delete a text section, click Delete.

Last updated on 12/29/2023 10:57:12 AM.

To edit a decision using the Advanced Decision Editor :

  1. From within the WFDSS application, choose the Incident tab. The Incident List appears.
  2. Select the incident you want to edit, then click View Information. The Edit Incident page appears.
  3. Choose the Decision tab > select the Pending Decision.
  4. Click Edit. The Decision Editor page appears.
  5. Navigate to Decision Document in the upper left-hand pane.
  6. Click the Content in the decision outline that you want to edit. For example, click Content under the Weather folder.
  7. Edit the content as needed.

    For additional instructions, see the following procedures:

  8. Click Save after editing each item. If you navigate to another content tab, your data will be lost if you don't save it.

When you are done editing the decision document content, you can navigate back to the Decision tab to Check-In the Pending Decision.

If you can not find an answer to your question in the WFDSS Help, you can call the HelpDesk at 1-866-224-7677, or go to

The HelpDesk provides level 1 technical support for WFDSS.

Last updated on 12/29/2023 10:57:12 AM.

In This Section

WFDSS Decision

To edit a decision using the Default Decision Editor

To edit a decision using the Advanced Decision Editor:

See Also

Creating a Pending Decision

Creating and Publishing a Decision

About the Text Editor

Copy a Published Decision

Creating Draft Decisions and Reports

Adding Text to a Decision

Copying/Pasting Text into a Decision

Adding an Image to a Decision

Adding Incident Content to a Decision Using the Advanced Decision Editor

Adding FMUs manually to Incident FMUs

Including Analysis Results in a Decision

Including WFDSS-generated M.A.P. Images in a Decision

Restoring Decision Content to a Previous Version

Viewing Decision Information

Downloading an Incident KMZ File for a Pending Decision

Downloading an Incident KMZ File for a Published Decision

Viewing KMZ Files

Beginning the Review/Approval Process for an Incident Decision

Publishing a Decision (for Incident Owners)


Field Descriptions

Glossary Resources

Spatial Data Reference

Landscape Data Source Reference

Relative Risk Reference

Organization Assessment Reference

Fire Behavior Reference

About the WFDSS Decision Editors