Incident Owners and Editors can request modeled, fire behavior analysis products to help answer specific management questions or address concerns related to fire growth or spread potential. These questions and/or concerns must be documented at the time of request and are the only required field. The following analyses are available:
You may select the type of fire behavior assistance you want, or rely on the Fire Behavior Specialists’ expertise to choose the appropriate tool based on your selected time frame and/or questions/concerns. Contact Information for yourself and a local fire resource familiar with the fire area is also helpful. The Fire Behavior Specialist(s) develop model inputs to ensure that you get the most accurate fire behavior analysis possible for a given landscape and set of parameters.
You may also enter contact information for a local resource that can assist the FBS develop quality inputs.
Examples of management questions are:
Requests are typically fielded by respective Geographic Area Editors and managed with respect to GA Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), when they exist. Depending on current workload and priorities, response for requests may be delayed. You can check the status by choosing Incidents > select incident name > View Analyses. The list of analyses for the incident is in reverse chronological order, with the most recent request on top. You can use your filters to find your analysis requests.
If you do not receive a response you may contact your GAE and check on progress. If you cannot reach your GAE or if you have reached the appropriate point in your GA SOP, then the NFDSC (208-387-5253) will be available to provide assistance with decision support including fire behavior analyses or decision content.
You receive an email when your analysis is accepted.
CAUTION: Running an FSPro analysis can require significant processing power. The more fires and longer time span you enter for the model, the longer it will take to process.
Be complete as the analyst might need to contact you about the analysis. It's best if you can have at least two people on the contact list.
Depending on current workload and priorities, your request might take several days. You can check the status by choosing Incidents > select incident name > View Analyses. The list of analyses for the incident is in reverse chronological order, with the most recent request on top. You can use your filters to find your analysis requests.
You will receive an email when your analysis is completed.Running an FSPro analysis can require significant processing power. The more fires and longer time span you enter for the model, the longer it will take to process.
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